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What do you need

  • Raspberry Pi or MqGateway with NanoPI NEO
  • SD card (minimum 8GB)

Installation steps

  1. Download latest UniGateway SD card image for your hardware:

  2. Flash SD card with downloaded image (you can use Balena Etcher)

  3. Power up your hardware and wait until it has started
    Take into account that it may take a few minutes for Unigateway to start after booting.
  4. Open browser and go to http://unigateway.local:8080/ui to check it works

After installation

You can configure UniGateway and add devices by changing the configuration file on the device.
Configuration file with the devices is stored in /opt/unigateway/gateway.yaml by default.

You can use SSH to connect to the device as a root with default password 1234.
You'll be asked to change the password and set regular user credentials on the first SSH connection.

On Raspberry Pi you can also connect the display to change the credentials.

You can now read more about what kind of devices you can configure and how the configuration works.

What's next?